Ocean conservation

The artworks displayed on this page are not "pretty pictures". No. They are works that contain some layers of meaning in order to foreground societal blindspots we may have in our relationship with ocean-based lifeforms and the ecology. This series of artworks form part of my doctorate at the Durban University of Technology. I received confirmation on the 8th of August 2024 that the PhD was accepted by the University structures. The thesis title is:


I made a video that shares the creative process of the series of paintingsand it is available on YouTube via this link below:
Nic Human PhD Painting Series on YouTube
Here is a link to download the thesis PDF from Dropbox:
Nic Human PhD thesis

Shared | 117cm x 96cm | Oil onto stretched canvas

Wonder | 91cm x 110cm | Oil onto deep-frame stretched canvas
In this painting: A nesting loggerhead and a common genet in the vegetation at Bhanga New

Primitief | 1m x 1m | Oil onto stretched canvas
In this painting: A nest of loggerhead turtle hatchlings as Iobserved at Bhanga Nek 

green | 1m x 1m | Oil onto stretched canvas
In this painting: A green turtle and hawksbill turtle amidst my trash. 

Do I love turtles? | 1m x 1m | Oil onto stretched canvas
In this painting: A polluted beach north of Durban – as photographed during a beach cleanup. 

POWER | 90cm x 120cm | Oil onto stretched canvas
In this painting: My hand holding a baby turtle – to protect or crush? Coastal development and activities are current threats to the nesting grounds of turtles on the eastern coast of South Africa. Innovative and decisive policy making and regulations should aim to protect these lifeforms as well as further enable economic prosperity.

Second Chance | 80cm x 80cm | Oil onto stretched canvas
In this painting: A woman's hand holding a 2-month old loggerhead turtle that was rescued after washing up on the beach and cared for by uShaka staff. This little guy received a second chance when it was released back into the ocean after regaining enough strength.

Mother | 150cm x 200cm | Oil onto deep-framestretched canvas
In this painting: Female loggerhead turtles emerging from the water to nest under the moonlight with the ever-present ghost crabs. As observed at Bhanga Nek and Cape Vidal.

Surveying | 1m x 1m | Oil onto stretched canvas
In this painting: An adult loggerhead turtle; three-spot pompanos (silver fish); blue-streak cleaner wrasse (little impressions) 


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